Saturday, April 27, 2024

गरीबों के 26 लाख का चावल, शक्कर और चना डकार गए शासकीय उचित मूल्य...

Government fair price shop operator and chairman arrested for swindling rice, sugar and gram worth Rs. 26 lakhs belonging to the poor Ration Scam In Ambikapur

आयुष्मान भारत प्रोत्साहन राशि वितरण मे भारी गोलमाल: BMO & BPM की कार्यप्रणाली पर...

Big mess in distribution of Ayushman Bharat incentive amount: Questions raised on the functioning of BMO & BPM, demand for investigation by submitting memorandum to CMHO

10वीं-12वीं के स्टूडेंट्स के लिए जरूरी खबर! गणित, संस्कृत, विज्ञान में फेल हो, 4000...

Important news for 10th-12th students! If you fail in Maths, Sanskrit, Science, give 4000 rupees and you will pass; know what is the whole matter

राष्ट्रीय बास्केटबॉल चैंपियनशिप में सरगुजा जिला के विक्की भगत व कु. श्रेया दास खेलेंगे,...

Vicky Bhagat and Miss Shreya Das of Sarguja district will play in the National Basketball Championship, will show their talent in Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu

10वीं-12वीं के स्टूडेंट्स के लिए जरूरी खबर! गणित और संस्कृत में फेल हो, 5000...

Students of 10th and 12th class be careful! I am speaking from Education Board Raipur - you have failed in Maths and Sanskrit, give me 5000 rupees and I will make you pass. Fraud calls are coming in the name of students...

छत्तीसगढ़ के राशनकार्ड धारियों के चावल में होगी कटौती? प्रदेश की भाजपा सरकार हितग्राहियों...

Will there be a reduction in rice for ration card holders in Chhattisgarh? The BJP government of the state is ready to reduce the quota of beneficiaries!