Sunday, September 15, 2024
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Mahtari Vandan Yojana को लेकर आया बड़ा अपडेट, लोकसभा चुनाव के बाद बंद हो...

A big update has come regarding Mahtari Vandan Yojana, will it be closed after the Lok Sabha elections? CM Vishnudev Sai has said something big!

School Time Change: छत्तीसगढ़ में बढ़ती गर्मी से स्कूली बच्चों को मिली राहत, स्कूलों...

School Time Change: School children got relief from the increasing heat in Chhattisgarh, school time table changed, department issued order

छत्तीसगढ़ में BJP प्रत्याशी पर आचार संहिता उल्लंघन का आरोप, एफआईआर दर्ज करने की...

BJP candidate in Chhattisgarh accused of violating code of conduct, demand for filing FIR; complaint lodged with election officer

शिक्षा विभाग में ऐसा भी होता है? किराए पर टीचर रख स्कूल से सरकारी...

Does this also happen in the education department? Government teacher missing from school by hiring teacher, collector took action

CG Dal Bhat Kendra: प्रदेश के इस शहर में खुल रहा हैं दाल भात...

CG Dal Bhat Kendra: Dal Bhat Kendra is opening in this city of the state, a full meal for Rs 5...

Mahtari Vandan Yojna: महतारी वंदन योजना में विधवा महिला की पुष्टि के लिए.. इन...

For confirmation of widow woman in Mahtari Vandan Yojana.. the mention of husband's death in these documents will be valid.