Sunday, May 19, 2024

Chhattisgarh News: बीपी लो होने पर इलाज कराने पहुंची थी महिला, शराब के नशे...

The woman had come for treatment when the BP was low, the doctor slapped many while intoxicated; Management issued notice

Chhattisgarh News: प्रेमजाल में फंसाकर नाबालिक से रेप, आरोपी के माता-पिता ने जबरदस्ती करवा...

Rape of a minor after being implicated in a love trap, the parents of the accused forcefully got married; The girl was forced to beg when she was taken out of the house

Chhattisgarh News: स्कूली बच्चों से भरी बस खेत में घुसी, कार को बचाने के...

A bus full of school children entered the field, an accident happened in the process of saving the car

CG में आईटी का छापा: आयकर विभाग की टीम ने पूर्व नगर पालिका अध्यक्ष...

IT raid in CG: Income Tax Department team raided 6 people including former municipality chairman, read full news

Chhattisgarh Police: ASI और HC प्रमोशन: 20 हेड कांस्टेबल, एएसआई बने; आरक्षकों का भी...

ASI and HC Promotion: 20 Head Constables made ASI; Promotion of constables also... IG Dangi issued order, see list

देशी शराब की बोतल में मिला सांप, ढक्कन खोलते ही खरीददार के उड़े होश;...

Snake found in country liquor bottle, buyer's senses flew away as soon as he opened the lid; photo going viral

भाई की अस्थियां विसर्जन करने गए थे प्रयागराज, वापसी में खड़े ट्रेलर से टकराई...

Went to Prayagraj to immerse brother's ashes, the car collided with the trailer standing in the return; Businessman, priest including 3 died