Saturday, May 18, 2024

महिला ने साथियों के साथ मिलकर 17 हजार के लिए ठेकेदार और उसके साले...

The woman along with her accomplices kidnapped the contractor and his brother-in-law for 17 thousand... after beating and demanding ransom..

छात्र संस्कृत का कॉपी नहीं लाया तो शिक्षिका ने कर दी पिटाई… अब थाने...

If the student did not bring a copy of Sanskrit, the teacher beat him up… the matter reached the police station..

किसान के पैरावट में लगी आग… पूरा पैरा जलकर राख.. इनपर जताई आशंका

The fire broke out in the farmer's paravat… the whole paragraph was burnt to ashes.. The farmer expressed his apprehension