Monday, May 20, 2024

कांग्रेस में शामिल हुए ढाई सौ से ज़्यादा युवा.. अमरजीत बोले- केंद्रीय मंत्री की...

More than 250 youth joined Congress.. Amarjeet said - Union Minister's meeting flopped because the youth is going to vote in the name of better education system.

Surguja: रक्षामंत्री के सीतापुर दौरे पर कांग्रेस प्रत्याशी अमरजीत भगत ने साधा निशाना, बोले-...

Congress candidate Amarjeet Bhagat targeted the Defense Minister's visit to Sitapur, said - People were busy watching the helicopter, more than half of the chairs in the program were vacant.