Sunday, September 29, 2024
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चूहे मारने को टमाटर पर लगाया था जहर, टीवी देखते हुए मैगी में मिलाकर...

To kill rats, poison was applied on tomatoes, while watching TV, the woman ate it mixed with Maggi, know what happened then

पहले एक्सीडेंट किया फिर बाद में मुआवजा देने से भी इंकार… अब कोर्ट ने...

First did the accident, then later refused to pay compensation ... Now the court has given such a decision that the senses were blown away.

कोरोना से 23 मौत: बीते 24 घंटे में मिले 17070 नए मरीज़… जानें देश...

23 deaths due to corona: 17070 new patients found in last 24 hours... know what is the status of corona in the country..