Thursday, July 4, 2024

Chhattisgarh News: शराब नहीं देने पर बुजुर्ग महिला के कनपटी पर मारी गोली, 4...

Chhattisgarh News: Elderly woman shot on the forehead for not giving liquor, 4 miscreants executed the incident

Chhattisgarh News: खाद्यान्न अफरा-तफरी मामले में सचिव समेत 6 लोगों पर FIR, अब फूड...

Chhattisgarh News: FIR on 6 people including secretary in food turmoil case, now secretary union opened front against food inspector, demanding this

CG – बिना बताए गायब रही पत्नी चार दिन बाद घर लौटी, पति ने...

CG - Wife who was missing without informing returned home after four days, husband thrashed to death

CG – हाथी आतंक से सहमा छत्तीसगढ़ का ये इलाका… अब घर के दरवाजे...

CG - This area of ​​Chhattisgarh stunned by elephant terror... now elephants reaching the door of the house.. vandalized the house...

CG – हाथी ने वृद्धा को कुचला: गांव में घुसे हाथी ने मकान ढहाया…...

CG - Elephant crushes the old lady: The elephant who entered the village demolished the house... crushed and killed the old lady sleeping in the verandah..

CG आकाशीय बिजली से 3 मौत: साप्ताहिक बाजार में आकाशीय बिजली का कहर… 3...

3 deaths due to CG lightning: The havoc of lightning in the weekly market... 3 villagers died on the spot.. Half a dozen injured..