Friday, September 20, 2024
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अब नाक से दी जाएगी कोरोना की बूस्टर डोज, भारत बायोटेक...

Now booster dose of corona will be given through nose, third trial of Bharat Biotech's vaccine also successful

बीते 6 वर्षों में भारत में शराब पीने वालों की संख्या...

The number of drinkers in India decreased in the last 6 years, but 'everyday drinkers' increased

24 घंटे में 12751 नए मामले, 29 की मौत, 1 लाख...

12751 new cases, 29 deaths, 1 lakh 31 thousand active cases in 24 hours

प्रिकॉशन डोज के लिए अवधि घटी, अब दूसरे टीके के छह...

The duration for the preparation dose has reduced, now after six months after the second vaccine, the publication dose will be released.. The circular issued by the health department