Sunday, May 19, 2024

जरूरी ख़बर: 1 अप्रैल से देश भर में बदल जाएंगें ये नियम, जानिए आम...

Important news: These rules will change across the country from April 1, know how it will affect the common man's pocket

एक ही परिवार के 5 लोगों की मौत: शख्स ने पत्नी और चार बच्चों...

5 members of the same family died: A man killed his wife and four children, the killer is absconding, police engaged in investigation

गौतम अडानी ने 1 दिन में कमाए ₹15,000 करोड़: अमीरों की लिस्ट में 1...

Gautam Adani earned ₹15,000 crores in 1 day: Moved up one place in the list of rich, know how much is his wealth

नॉनवेज ने लाया रिश्तों में दरार: शादी के बाद घर में नॉनवेज पकाया तो...

Non-veg brought rift in relationship: Husband scolded wife for cooking non-veg in the house after marriage, wife left the house in anger