Friday, July 26, 2024

CG News: मध्यान्ह भोजन परोसने में लापरवाही, गर्म दाल के पतीले में जा गिरी...

CG News: Negligence in serving mid-day meal, girl student fell into hot dal pot, undergoing treatment in scorched condition

Chhattisgarh News: जेल में बंद कैदियों ने रखा 9 दिन का नवरात्रि उपवास, बंदियों...

Prisoners in jail kept 9 days Navratri fast, arrangements were made for Falahar Puja recitation for the prisoners

Leopard Fell In The well: कुत्ते के शिकार करते कुआँ में जा गिरा तेंदुआ,...

Leopard fell into the well while hunting a dog, there was a stir in the area, the forest department team engaged in rescue...

कौशल विकास के माध्यम से जिले के 522 युवाओं को मिल चुका हैं नौकरी,...

Through skill development, 522 youths of the district have got jobs, CM Baghel will provide appointment letters to 15 youths for private companies.

CG Breaking: शादी के लिए लड़की देखने गया था युवक, वापसी में सवारी वाहन...

The young man had gone to see the girl for marriage, while returning the vehicle collided with the painful death on the spot