Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Chhattisgarh News: अवैध धान भंडारण व परिवहन पर एक्शन! दो किराना दुकान से 122...

Action on illegal paddy storage and transportation! 122 sacks of illegal paddy seized from two grocery stores

नये कानून के संबंध में थानों में दी जा रही जानकारी, पस्ता थाने में...

Information is being given to people in police stations regarding the new law, people were also made aware in Pasta police station

शाला प्रवेश उत्सव के साथ न्योता भोज का आयोजन, बच्चों संग सरपंच एवं शिक्षकों...

Invitation feast organized along with school admission celebration, Sarpanch and teachers along with children had invitation feast