Health Tips: लू के कारण लग गए हैं दस्त, तो एक...
If you have diarrhea due to heat wave, then you will get relief by drinking this thing mixed in a glass of water.
ठंडी-ठंडी कोल्ड ड्रिंक सेहत के लिए है जहर, हो सकती हैं...
Cold drinks are poison for health, they can cause dangerous diseases, know what to drink in summer?
कितना खतरनाक है साइलेंट हार्ट अटैक, शरीर में क्या लक्षण दिखते...
How dangerous is a silent heart attack, what symptoms are seen in the body and who is most at risk?
गर्मी में बेहोश होने वाले शख्स को भूलकर भी न पिलाएं...
Do not give water to a person who faints in summer, Health Ministry issued advisory
जानें क्यों रोज़ खानी चाहिए अरहर दाल, फायदे जानकर आप भी...
Know why arhar dal should be eaten daily, after knowing its benefits you will also start consuming it.
मोबाइल का ज़्यादा इस्तेमाल आपको बना सकता है थाइरॉयड का मरीज,...
Excessive use of mobile can make you a thyroid patient, know the compound measures to control it?
सुबह सबसे पहले खा लें ये 2 चीजें, तेजी से कम...
Eat these 2 things first thing in the morning, obesity will start reducing rapidly and health will remain.
क्या आप भी गर्मियों में पीते हैं फ्रिज का पानी? एक्सपर्ट...
Do you also drink refrigerator water in summer? Know from experts whether cold water is beneficial or harmful for health?
सावधान! ज्यादा कोल्ड ड्रिंक पीना हो सकता है खतरनाक, इन अंगों...
Attention Drinking too much cold drink can be dangerous, it has bad effect on these organs.
Solution To Hair Problem: बालों की लंबाई बढ़ाने के लिए इन...
Solution To Hair Problem: Use these 2 things to increase the length of hair, there will be no need to buy them.