PM Janman Yojana: पीएम जनमन योजना की जानकारी देने पहाड़ी कोरवा, बिरहोर बहुल पंचायत...
PM Janman Yojana: Camp in Pahari Korwa, Birhor dominated Panchayat to give information about PM Janman Yojana; Special backward tribe people are being benefited
Developed India Sankalp Yatra: विकसित भारत संकल्प यात्रा, शिविरों में बढ़-चढ़कर कर हिस्सा ले...
Developed India Sankalp Yatra: Developed India Sankalp Yatra, villagers are enthusiastically participating in the camps, common people are getting the benefits of the schemes, huge enthusiasm is visible
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana: कलेक्टर ने पीएम आवास हितग्राहियों से वीडियो कॉल कर किया...
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana: Collector talked to PM housing beneficiaries through video call, know the entire conversation!
Bouldering and sport climbing training: बॉल्डरिंग व स्पोर्ट क्लाइम्बिंग प्रशिक्षण की शुरुआत, पहाड़ी बकरा...
Bouldering and sport climbing training: Beginning of bouldering and sport climbing training,
Deshdekha is being developed by Pahari Bakra Adventure Bilaspur for rock climbing at international level.
CM Vishnudev Say: सड़क से नीचे उतरी बाईक, दंपत्ति के सिर पर गंभीर चोंट,...
CM Vishnudev Say: Bike fell off the road, couple suffered serious head injuries, immediate help was received on the initiative of CM Vishnudev Say!
Department of Water Resources: जल संसाधन विभाग के अफसरों की बैठक, कार्यों की जिले...
Department of Water Resources: Meeting of officers of Water Resources Department, instructions were given to mark the works by mapping them district and assembly wise.
CG-सेनेटरी पैड निर्माण के साथ महिलाओं के लिए स्वस्थ और सुरक्षित जीवन सुनिश्चित कर...
CG- Sisters of self-help groups are ensuring healthy and safe life for women by manufacturing sanitary pads, a means of collective livelihood found in Gauthan.
कलेक्टर की बड़ी कार्यवाही: गोधन न्याय के कार्यो में लापरवाही बरतने वाले ग्रामीण कृषि...
Collector's big action: Show cause notice was handed over to the Rural Agriculture Extension Officer who was negligent in the work of Godhan Justice...
TRANSFER BREAKING: TI, SI समेत कई पुलिसकर्मियों का ट्रांसफर, SSP डी. रविशंकर ने जारी...
Transfer of many policemen including TI, SI, SSP D. Ravi Shankar issued order, see list
CG-सेल्फी लेने के चक्कर में कक्षा 11वीं की छात्र नदी में डूबा, साथियों के...
Class 11th student drowned in the river while taking CG-Selfie, went for a walk with friends, search continues...