Tuesday, January 14, 2025

डेली 3GB डाटा और हर दिन का खर्चा सिर्फ 18 रुपये, Free में हॉट...

Daily 3GB data and every day cost is only Rs 18, also a chance to watch Hot Star for free

Success Story: छत्तीसगढ़ में शिमला मिर्च की खेती कर दो दोस्तों ने झंडे गाड़...

Success Story: Two friends made a mark by cultivating capsicum in Chhattisgarh, earning more than Rs 50 lakh in a year; Now preparing to leave the job paying lakh rupees per month

World Cancer Day हर साल 4 फ़रवरी को क्यों मनाया जाता है? जानें क्या...

Why is World Cancer Day celebrated every year on 4th February? Know what is the reason for this and what is the theme of World Cancer Day 2024?

बाजार में नए अवतार में आया Bajaj की यह धांसू बाइक, मिलेगा जबरदस्त माइलेज...

This cool bike of Bajaj has come in the market in a new avatar, will get tremendous mileage and powerful features.

सस्‍ते होंगे मोबाइल फोन! बजट से पहले सरकार का तोहफा, बैटरी, लेंस, कवर सबके...

Mobile phones will become cheaper! Government's gift before the budget, prices of batteries, lenses, covers will all be reduced.