Friday, April 26, 2024

गिरते-गिरते बचे मुख्यमंत्री: भाषण दे रहे थे कि अचानक टूट गया मंच, बड़ी संख्या...

The Chief Minister narrowly escaped falling: While he was giving a speech, the stage suddenly broke down, a large number of workers climbed on it

Lok Sabha Election: इस संसदीय सीट पर 26 अप्रैल को नहीं होगी वोटिंग, इस...

Lok Sabha Election: Voting will not take place on this parliamentary seat on 26 April, the date has been changed due to this reason

Lok Sabha Election: प्रत्याशी की हार्ट अटैक से मौत, इस लोकसभा सीट पर टल...

Lok Sabha Election: Candidate dies of heart attack, election postponed on this Lok Sabha seat

Video: जब पीएम मोदी के सामने ही टूटकर गिर गया मंच, वीडियो हो गया...

Video: When the stage collapsed in front of PM Modi, the video went viral, the incident happened during the roadshow

देखें Video: सड़क पर नहीं थी पैर रखने की भी जगह, जनता ने एंबुलेंस...

Watch Video: There was no place to even put a foot on the road, this is how the public gave way to the ambulance

Chhattisgarh News: कांग्रेस ने दी न्याय की 5 गारंटी, हर साल महिलाओं को मिलेगा...

Chhattisgarh News: Congress gives 5 guarantees of justice, women will get 1 lakh rupees every year, know what are the guarantees of Congress