Sunday, January 19, 2025

सज-संवरकर दुल्हन करती रही बारात का इंतजार, नहीं आया दूल्हा, मामला पहुंचा थाने, वजह...

Dressed up, the bride kept waiting for the wedding procession, the groom did not come, the matter reached the police station, you will get angry at the groom after knowing the reason.

भाषण दे रहे थे पूर्व सीएम, टीआई ने बंद कर दिया माइक; MLA बोले-...

Former CM was giving speech, TI switched off the mic; MLA said - "I will get it thrown at such a place that..." Know the whole matter

पूर्व मंत्री के खुलासे से तहलका, जनता के सामने कमीशनखोरी की पोल खोल कर...

There was a stir due to the revelations of the former minister, he exposed the commission fraud in front of the public, he gave this statement in front of a full stage; Know the whole matter

पेड़ पर लटके मिले युवक-युवती के शव, एक ही परिवार से थे दोनों, जानें-...

Dead bodies of a young man and a girl were found hanging from a tree, both were from the same family, know what was the relationship

सुरक्षित नहीं प्याज: रात के अंधेरे में प्याज चोरी करने खेत में घुसे चोर,...

Onions are not safe: Thieves entered the field in the dark of night to steal onions, attacked the farmer with stones and sticks