Saturday, April 20, 2024

Potato Facts: सब्जियों का राजा…आलू खाने से वजन बढ़ता है या...

Potato Facts: King of vegetables...Does eating potato increase weight or not? Know the surprising truth

Hug Day Wishes: इन खूबसूरत Shayari Photo’s के साथ पार्टनर को...

Hug Day Wishes: Send Hug Day Wishes to your partner with these beautiful Shayari Photo's, your heart will be happy.!

Hug Day 2024: “…पास आओ गले से लगा लो” ‘हग डे’...

Hug Day 2024: “...come closer and hug me” Send these loving messages to your partner on 'Hug Day', the day will change as soon as you read them.!

Valentine Day: Hug करने से सेहत को मिलते हैं गजब के...

Valentine Day: Hugging has amazing health benefits, wouldn't you know? Give a magic hug to your loved ones on their special day

World Cancer Day हर साल 4 फ़रवरी को क्यों मनाया जाता...

Why is World Cancer Day celebrated every year on 4th February? Know what is the reason for this and what is the theme of World Cancer Day 2024?

इस खतरनाक बीमारी से हर साल मर रहे हैं 37.5 लाख...

37.5 lakh people are dying every year due to this dangerous disease, even doctors cannot recognize the symptoms, know about it...

रजाई और कंबल की तरह अब ठंड में मच्छरों के साथ...

Like quilts and blankets, now get into the habit of living with mosquitoes in the cold, a big revelation was made in the research.

मास्क लगाने का आ गया समय! आने वाली है कोरोना की...

Time to put on the mask! Is a new wave of Corona coming? Know what the expert said

24 घंटे में 6 मौतें, 358 नए केस और… देश को...

6 deaths in 24 hours, 358 new cases and... Corona started scaring the country again