Sunday, September 29, 2024
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और बढ़ेगी ठंड! IMD का येलो और ऑरेंज अलर्ट… देश में यहां 11 डिग्री...

And the cold will increase! IMD's Yellow and Orange Alert... Temperature reached 11 degrees here in the country, Meteorological Department issued a warning for these states

Breaking News: भारत में कोरोना की तीसरी लहर चरम पर, बीते 24 घंटे में...

Breaking News: Third wave of corona in India at its peak, 2 lakh 47 thousand new cases in last 24 hours

किसान भाइयों के लिए खुशखबरी: सरकार दे रही है ₹40000, जानें इस योजना का...

Good news for farmer brothers: Government is giving ₹ 40000, know how you can take advantage of this scheme

‘घर बनवाने के लिए पैसे की मांग भी दहेज है’… सुप्रीम कोर्ट की ‘दहेज’...

'The demand for money to build a house is also dowry'... Big hearing on the Supreme Court's 'dowry', read what was the decree

एक दिन बाद फ़िर बढ़ी कोरोना की रफ्तार, 24 घंटे में आए 1.94 लाख...

Corona's speed increased again after a day, 1.94 lakh new cases came in 24 hours, know details

सब इंस्पेक्टर ने पंखे से लटक कर की खुदकुशी, थाना परिसर में हुई घटना...

Sub Inspector committed suicide by hanging from the fan, there was a stir due to the incident in the police station premises, was suspended from the post of police station four days ago