Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Big Breaking: रायपुर के एक नामी होटल में मिला भाजपा जिला अध्यक्ष की भतीजी...

The body of BJP district president's niece was found in a famous hotel in Raipur. Police started investigation

छत्तीसगढ़ में जहरीली गैस से 5 की मौत, लंबे समय से बंद कुएं में...

5 people died due to poisonous gas in Chhattisgarh, they had gone down into a well which was closed for a long time for cleaning! Then the accident happened

रंग बिरंगी जलेबी देखकर मुंह में आए पानी, तो ये खबर पढ़ लीजिए… जलेबी...

If your mouth starts watering after seeing colorful jalebi, then read this news... This action was taken against the jalebi shopkeeper

मंत्री नेताम ने कहा: जो क्वॉलिफाई करके आगे बढ़े…और जिन्होंने पहली बार दाखिला लिया...

Minister Netam said: Those who qualify and move forward...and those who have taken admission for the first time, all are welcome.. The office is open from today!..