Sunday, November 24, 2024

Chhattisgarh: बाबा की फोटो के सामने लगातार 7 दिन किया जाप, 2 की मौत,...

Chhattisgarh: Chanting was done in front of Baba's photo for 7 consecutive days, 2 died, 2 fainted and 2 lost their mental balance

Chhattisgarh: …जब कलेक्टर ने विधायक से कहा- चार लोग एक साथ ऑफिस के अंदर...

Chhattisgarh: ...when the collector told the MLA- four people cannot come together inside the office... If the MLA returned, then... read what happened next?

सरगुजा पुलिस का नशे में शर्मनाक बर्ताव, आर्केस्ट्रा नाइट में सुरक्षा छोड़, लड़कियों से...

Sarguja police's shameful behavior under influence of alcohol, leaving security during orchestra night, misbehaving with girls, video goes viral

Chhattisgarh: सरपंच-सचिव ने किया लाखों का राशन घोटाला, राशि वसूलने प्रशासन के छूटे पसीने,...

Chhattisgarh: Sarpanch-Secretary committed ration scam of lakhs, administration is sweating to recover the amount, demand for FIR raised

Surguja: बुरे फंसे सरपंच-उपसरपंच, कब्जा कर सरकारी ज़मीन बेचने का आरोप, CM से शिकायत

Surguja: Sarpanch and Deputy Sarpanch in deep trouble, accused of occupying and selling government land, complaint to CM

जब परिवार पर टूटा संकट, अनोखी सोच संस्था बनी सहारा… अम्बिकापुर में असहाय भाई...

When the family was in trouble, the unique thinking organization became the support... In Ambikapur, the sister was given a respectable last farewell after helping the helpless brother

जर्जर हाईवे की दुर्दशा से तंग नगरवासियों का चक्काजाम: दीपावली के बाद मरम्मत के...

Tired of the condition of the dilapidated highway, the city residents blocked the road: The agitators did not agree even on the assurance of repair after Diwali, warned of indefinite protest

अवैध लकड़ी तस्करों पर प्रशासन की कड़ी मार: 14 टन लकड़ी राजसात, ट्रक पर...

Administration's strong action against illegal timber smugglers: 14 tonnes of timber confiscated, heavy fine imposed on truck, panic among smugglers

National Highway: अधिकारियों से मिलने का कोई फायदा नहीं, धूल ने जीना किया मुश्किल,...

national highway: There is no use of meeting the officials, dust has made life difficult, now there will be a road blockade