The cruelty of the handicapped husband: After the quarrel, cut off the hands and feet of the...
Friends became enemies: 6 friends had a liquor party together, then it happened that one was thrown...
Mobile cracked during online class, student's condition critical, mouth and nose in the grip of blast
Angry wife killed her husband by throwing a shoe and killed her husband, then reached the hospital...
Netaji fell while running, workers did not stop even to lift, video went viral on social media
Heavy collision between truck and car, 4 people of Chhattisgarh died
Relative gang-raped with friends, teenager came to the wedding
Theft happened in the marriage of IPS officer, thieves stole jewelry and cash
मध्यप्रदेश के अनूपपुर जिले से एक बड़ी खबर आई है। दरअसल यहाँ एक व्यक्ति ने 17 साल...
मध्य प्रदेश के नक्सलवाद प्रभावित बालाघाट जिले में पुलिस को सड़क पर पर्चे मिले हैं, जिसमें तीन...