Thursday, December 26, 2024

बिजली विभाग के JE की शर्मनाक करतूत, बिल कम करवाने के नाम पर महिला...

Shameful act of JE of electricity department, did dirty work with a woman in the name of reducing the bill

Assembly Elections: चुनाव में परिवारों के बीच मुकाबला, कहीं पति-पत्नी, कहीं चाचा बनाम भतीजा,...

Assembly elections: Competition between families in elections, somewhere husband-wife, somewhere uncle vs nephew, own people will clash on many seats

School Holiday’s: इस राज्य में बंद हुए सभी स्कूल, बच्चों की डबल मौज, दिसंबर...

school holidays: All schools closed in this state, double fun for children, holidays will remain in December too

500 साल पहले बना था भगवान शिव का यह मंदिर, एक दर्शन से पूरी...

This temple of Lord Shiva was built 500 years ago, all wishes are fulfilled with just one visit

Dev Uthani Ekadashi 2024: देवउठनी एकादशी के दिन भगवान विष्णु को लगाएं इन चीजों...

dev uthani ekadashi 2024: Offer these things to Lord Vishnu on the day of Devuthani Ekadashi, Lord Narayana's blessings will shower on the family

हादसे के बाद ब्रेन डेड घोषित हुई पत्नी, फिर मांग में सिंदूर और माथे...

After the accident, the wife was declared brain dead, then the husband gave her the last farewell by putting vermilion in her hair parting and a bindi on her forehead

Chhattisgarh: हाथी ने ग्रामीण को कुचलकर उतारा मौत के घाट, जंगल गए शख्स का...

Chhattisgarh: Elephant crushed a villager to death, a man who went to the forest suddenly encountered a king elephant

Unique order of MLA: ‘गुटखा खाना छोड़ो, तभी गांव में लगेगा ट्रांसफॉर्मर और आएगी...

unique order of mla: 'Stop eating gutkha, only then a transformer will be installed in the village and electricity will come,' unique order of BJP MLA