Chhattisgarh News: आचार संहिता के बीच कथा का आयोजन कराना पड़ गया भारी, कोरबा...
Organizing a Katha amidst the code of conduct proved costly, Election Commission issued a notice to the BJP candidate from Korba
हनुमान जयंती पर धार्मिक दंगा भड़काने की नाकाम कोशिश, मुख्य आरोपी शाहरुख चढ़ा पुलिस...
Failed attempt to incite religious riots on Hanuman Jayanti, main accused Shahrukh arrested by police, three have already gone to jail
Ambikapur: पिलखा पहाड़ में मिली लाश, नहीं हो सकी हैं पहचान, पुलिस ने की...
Ambikapur: Dead body found in Pilkha mountain, could not be identified, police made this appeal
अम्बिकापुर: तेंदूपत्ता तोड़ने जंगल गए ग्रामीणों पर भालू का हमला, दो की हालत गंभीर;...
Bear attacks villagers who went to the forest to pluck tendu leaves, condition of two critical; a raipur referral
सरगुजा जिले में सरकारी स्कूलों के छात्रों ने मारी बाजी, कक्षा 10वीं में आत्मानंद...
Students of government schools have excelled in Sarguja district, Roshan Rajwade of Atmanand School topped in class 10th... while Anuj Kumar of Prayas School topped in class 12th...
CG TRANSFER BREAKING: 50 से अधिक जजों की तबादला, हाईकोर्ट ने जारी किया आदेश,...
CG TRANSFER BREAKING: More than 50 judges transferred, High Court issued order, see list…
छत्तीसगढ़ VYAPAM ने एक बार फिर बदली परीक्षाओं की तिथि, जानिए अब कब होंगे...
Chhattisgarh VYAPAM has once again changed the exam dates, know when the exams for TET, B.Sc Nursing, B.Ed, PPT etc. will be held now!
Result Breaking: 10वीं में जशपुर की सिमरन शब्बा और 12वीं महक अग्रवाल ने किया...
Result Breaking: Simran of Jashpur topped in 10th and Mehak Agarwal topped in 12th, students can check their result from this direct link
CGBSE 10th12th Result 2024: जारी हुआ छत्तीसगढ़ बोर्ड कक्षा 10वीं और 12वीं रिजल्ट, स्टूडेंट्स...
CGBSE Result 2024: Chhattisgarh Board class 10th and 12th result will be released at 12:30 pm, students can check their result from this direct link
मिशन 2024: जिस विधानसभा में मोदी की सभा हुई वहां सबसे कम वोट पड़े…बीजेपी...
Mission 2024: The assembly where Modi's rally was held got the least number of votes... Even being the home district of the BJP candidate did not have any effect... BJP's worries increased... SC voters decide victory or defeat...!