Wednesday, November 27, 2024

छत्तीसगढ़: राज्य खेल अलंकरण पुरस्कार के लिए 30 जून तक कर सकेंगे आवेदन, कौन-कौन...

Chhattisgarh: Applications can be made for the State Sports Decoration Award till June 30, which awards will be given and the amount; Read full details

Surajpur: बाईक में गांजा रखकर बेचने निकला था शख्स, पुलिस को देख की भागने...

Surajpur: A man had gone out to sell ganja by keeping it in his bike, tried to run away after seeing the police, goods worth so many rupees were confiscated

Surguja: समिति में खाद का कमी, किसान हो रहे परेशान

There is shortage of fertilizer in the committee, farmers are getting troubled

छत्तीसगढ़: ‘शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा में गड़बड़ी, दोषियों पर कार्यवाही एवं परीक्षार्थियों को परीक्षा का...

There is irregularity in the teacher eligibility test, action should be taken against the culprits and the candidates should be given the opportunity to appear in the exam-'

Chhattisgarh: नशे की लत मिटाने शराबी सरपंच ने बेच दी गोठान, सचिव की मिलीभगत...

Drunken Sarpanch sold Gothan to cure his drug addiction, Sarpanch did this with the connivance of the Secretary

Chhattisgarh: आगजनी की घटना में करीब 12 करोड़ के नुकसान का अनुमान, घटना क़े...

Estimated loss of around Rs 12 crore in the arson incident, police is investigating closely to understand all aspects of the incident.

संयुक्त कार्यालय परिसर की सुरक्षा में सेंध… दिनदहाड़े गायब हो गई 2 पहिया.. CCTV...

Breach in the security of the joint office complex... 2 wheeler went missing in broad daylight.. Despite being equipped with CCTV, such an incident happened!