Tuesday, November 26, 2024

दुल्हन की तरह सज रहा है जिला कार्यालय… जहां जरूरत नहीं वहां भी लाखों...

The district office is being decorated like a bride... the boss is spending lakhs even where there is no need... here the city dwellers are forced to live a life of hell...

आखिर क्यों नाराज हो गए है पूर्व डिप्टी CM सिंहदेव… क्यों कह रहे जनमत...

Why is former Deputy CM Singhdev angry... why is he saying if the referendum is rejected, I will go on a hunger strike?

कलेक्टरों से लड़ने वाले BJP नेता की बढ़ी मुश्किलें… पहले पार्टी ने निकाला.. अब...

Troubles increased for the BJP leader who fought with the collectors... First the party expelled him.. Now his bail plea has also been rejected..

छत्तीसगढ़ में साधु के भेष में गलत काम, लोगों को झांसे में लेकर करते...

In Chhattisgarh, people used to do wrong deeds in the guise of sadhus, they used to deceive people and commit these crimes; the truth was revealed when the police caught them