Monday, November 25, 2024

तीन दिनों का आयोजन मात्र एक दिन का औपचारिक कार्यक्रम बन कर रह गया…...

The three day event turned into a mere one day formal programme... many allegations were levelled against the organisers...!

जिला प्रशासन का स्वच्छता अभियान बना फोटो सेशन अभियान… श्रमदानो की नजर कचरे पर...

The district administration's cleanliness drive turned into a photo session campaign... The volunteers' focus was not on the garbage, but on the camera frame.

ट्रेलर की टक्कर से तीन क्विंटल मछलियां गड्ढे में गिरीं, ग्रामीणों ने मचाई लूट,...

Three quintals of fish fell into the pit due to the collision of the trailer, the villagers looted it, there was a competition to pick up the fish

Breaking News: अम्बिकापुर से रायपुर, दिल्ली और वाराणसी की उड़ानें जल्द होंगी शुरू, मां...

Flights from Ambikapur to Raipur, Delhi and Varanasi will start soon, successful trial at Maa Mahamaya Airport, waiting for regular flight

Chhattisgarh: सासु नदी में बहे चाचा-भतीजा में से भतीजा की मिली लाश, चाचा को...

Chhattisgarh: The body of the nephew was found among the uncle-nephew who were swept away in the Sasu river, efforts are on to find the uncle

गांव की सुरक्षा और बेरोजगार युवाओं को रोजगार देने के लिए रात्रि प्रहरी होंगे...

Night guards will be appointed to protect the village and provide employment to unemployed youth, a unique initiative of MLA Ramkumar Toppo