Friday, October 4, 2024
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कोलकाता में महिला डॉक्टर की हत्या, विरोध में देशभर के डॉक्टर हड़ताल पर, जानिए...

Doctors across the country are on strike in protest against the murder of a female doctor in Kolkata. Know what all will remain closed in medical services?

आधी रात को भयंकर हादसा: 5 मंजिला निर्माणाधीन इमारत ढही, 2 की मौत और...

#3Fierce accident at midnight: 5-storey under-construction building collapsed, 2 killed and many injured; more trapped in the rubble

सीएम ममता बनर्जी के माथे और नाक पर लगे 4 टांके, डॉक्टर बोले- पीछे...

CM Mamata Banerjee had 4 stitches on her forehead and nose, doctor said - CM had fallen due to 'push' from behind

हाईकोर्ट के 2 जजों का दिलचस्प मामला, एक ने दूसरे पर लगाए गंभीर आरोप,...

Interesting case of two High Court judges, one made serious allegations against the other, now the Supreme Court will resolve the issue.

बीबी के छोड़कर जाने के गम में जान देने गया शख्स, बिरयानी का लालच...

A man tried to commit suicide due to the grief of his wife leaving him, saved his life by luring him with biryani